Updated: July 05, 2024

Linux Web Hosting

Linux Web Hosting solutions are suitable for anybody who wants to get their website online regardless of technical expertise, but are particularly popular with webmasters who use Linux hosting features. Below you will find the best Linux Hosting plans on the market, handpicked for their value for money, good reviews, and reliability.

Our list of hosting providers is based on:

  • Value for money
  • Reliability
  • Reviews
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Trusted Provider
90-Day money back guarantee
24/7 Support | MySQL | Joomla
$3.99 /month 12 month(s): $3.99/month
30-Day money back guarantee
PostgreSQL | Free Ad Credits | Drupal
$1.99 /month 12 month(s): $2.50/month 36 month(s): $2.25/month 12 month(s): $1.99/month
Best Value
90-Day money back guarantee
24/7 Support | MySQL | Joomla
$3.49 /month 24 month(s): $3.49/month

What is Linux Hosting?

linux serverSometimes referred to as LAMP due to its standard configuration of Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP, Linux Web Hosting enables you to build websites, run servers and administer hosting plans using the Linux Operating System (OS). Using this platform for Web Hosting and development allows the flexibility to take advantage of popular open-source technologies such as PHP, MySQL, Python, and XML.

Linux Hosting generally offers the best stability, flexibility and security. For this reason, and thanks to having lower prices than the competition, it is the preferred choice in the majority of the Web Hosting industry - Google use Linux to run their scores of servers, and their mobile device OS Android is also based on Linux.

Linux Logo

Why is the Linux Logo a Penguin?

The Linux logo/mascot is a penguin called Tux, and was created by Larry Ewing. Linus Torvalds, the original creator of the Linux OS, was bitten by a penguin while visiting the national zoo in Australia - the name Tux is an abbreviation of the word tuxedo, an outfit commonly known as a 'penguin suit'. 


Pros and Cons of Linux Hosting


  • Affordability
  • Its majority market share means Linux is supported by most hosting companies
  • Open-source community is constantly developing new innovations
  • Industry standard
  • Generally well-protected from hackers


  • Applications coded in Windows-exclusive languages (such as IIS or ASP) won't run on Linux servers
  • .NET won't run on Linux servers without adjustments (which you can only make on more expensive hosting, and it will be less stable than on a windows plan)


Further Information

Linux: The Industry Standard in Web Hosting

Over time, as Linux Hosting became more and more prevalent, maintenance and management tools were created to assist those using Linux servers. Technicians began to find that they needed to understand Linux, and some of the popular Linux-based operating systems set up certification systems to help with this. The Linux market share grew steadily and it is now almost synonymous with Web Hosting - which naturally has lead to more hosting companies adopting it.

Why is Linux Hosting So Popular?

linux apache mysql phpThe biggest reason that Linux dominates the server OS market is its price - there isn't one! Three key pieces of software you need to serve a website alongside a Linux OS are all open-source - free for anyone to use and distribute. They are:

  • Apache, Linux’s leading Web server application
  • MySQL, the most prominent database application
  • PHP, the most popular scripting language

Not only that, but the Linux OS itself is also free, and is able to run well on ageing hardware - saving hosting companies even more money! Consequently, Web Hosting providers using LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) are able to offer their customers extremely competitive prices on Linux Hosting plans. 

Linux and LAMP: MySQL Database

mysql logoMySQL (not to be confused with MSSQL) is perhaps the best-known database type, and by far the most popular option for database management. The database is an integral component of most websites, and is often emphasized by hosting providers.

Blog software developers like WordPress chose MySQL when integrating the use of databases in their CMS (Content Management Systems). It is powerful and sophisticated, it is open source and free. Here are the three main benefits of MySQL:

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Open Source and Free

MySQL is free, which isn’t the case with MSSQL and other top database options. The host can pass this savings onto the consumer, which means lower Web Hosting costs. MySQL is in constant development at no cost to the end-user, and when a new version launches, transition to it is free and simple.

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Easy to Learn and Use

The most difficult aspect of using any database management system is learning its nuances. MySQL has been refined over the years so that the learning curve is very low. Additionally, there is a great wealth of free material out there that can help you with the basics all the way up to expert understanding.

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Flexible, Stable, Fast and Secure

Most importantly, a database has to receive and provide data quickly. It has to be dependable, protect the data within itself as well as grow and expand laterally with the business and website. MySQL achieves that more efficiently and affordably than other types of database.

History of Linux


linux popularityLinux was developed by software engineer Linus Torvalds in 1991. Torvalds used the source code of another OS called Unix (a process known as 'forking') to create an entirely new OS. The main difference between the two is that Unix was and still is licensed software, whereas Linux is open-source - it was the first OS that could be improved or enhanced by anyone.

Unix is a popular multi-user, multitasking OS. It is written in a high level programming language but retains a simple design and allows reusable code. It was developed at Bell Labs in the late 1960s by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. The Unix family grew into one of the most popular networking Operating Systems (OS) on the market, but has since been dwarfed by it's progeny; Linux.


linux communityNow, there are approximately 20 million lines of code under Linux's public license. What started as Torvalds' personal project has now become the most common operating system for servers. The fact that Linux and Unix operating systems are only present on around 1.5% of personal desktops and laptops has no bearing on the quality or usability of Linux Hosting plans.

Due to Linux's open-source nature, and the activity of its community, there are now multiple flavors to choose from, the most popular of which are called Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS.

Linux Hosting or Windows Hosting?

For many people just starting out, it might not really matter. Generally if you plan to use any of the following, you will be best off with a Linux Host

  • Wordpress or other similar web apps/CMS
  • Dreamweaver
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • CGI
  • Python
  • Perl  

However, if you are using ASP, IIS, MSSQL or .NET you should probably get a Windows Web Hosting plan.


What to expect from a Linux Hosting plan

Aside from cost, which should be low as Web Hosting companies don’t pay a license or operating fee for Linux, these are some important things to look for in a Linux Hosting plan:

Reliability - look for 99.9% uptime


User-friendly control panel

Access to open-source software






Is Linux Hosting right for me?

If you want an industry-standard cheap web hosting solution, then Linux Hosting should provide you with the best value for money deal based on your requirements. It is not simply a cheap alternative to Windows - Linux is globally recognized as a web server superpower.

If you plan to work with a lot of open source software and use LAMP, then you definitely need a Linux Hosting server - but you probably already knew that didn't you?

Get your Linux Web Hosting plan today!

If you are still unsure you can use our Hosting Wizard and Knowledge Base for more ideas, or Compare Hosting plans side by side - whatever you decide, Web Hosting Search is here to help you find the best deal!