Top 5 Blogging Platforms 2011

What are the key ingredients of an excellent blogging platform? Prominence, high average readership, a clean visual presentation, and the ability to adapt to changing trends are vital components to any platform that wants to grow and thrive.

Not surprisingly, the top five blogging platforms of 2011 score highly in each of these separate categories, helping new and established writers expand their readership and establish their space on the web. Because of their adherence to quality and innovative design, these platforms will still be hot in 2012. Let’s take a closer look at the top 5 blogging platforms.

5. Blogger


Classic, unfettered, direct: Google’s blogger service distinguishes itself as one of the best “What You See is What You Get” platforms in existence. It makes our list primarily because its lack of complexity makes it ideal for die-hard bloggers who want to focus on getting out their message without racking up significant hosting overhead costs.

As a platform, it offers a variety of API’s that allow it to seamlessly interact with social networks and other highly trafficked areas of the web. It’s certainly not the flashiest platform, but its reliability and durability make it a solid choice for 2011 and 2012.

4. Posterous


Not all bloggers are created equally. There is a contingent who prefers to share their thoughts with only a select few. Posterous is custom-tailored for these individuals. The service offers a “group” feature which enables users to privately share their blog posts with invited members only. However, it also lets people quickly set up public blogs.

It has enough features, including automatic resize tools for attachments, that make it an ideal template for the likely future direction of the web: i.e., a faster, slimmed down, and more formatted internet across browsers and devices. Style-wise, Posterous ranks somewhere in the middle. It’s not going to win any awards for its relatively unimaginative format, but its sharing features and customization make it a promising candidate for the future. Plus, unlike WordPress, it’s free to join.

3. Movable Type

Movable Type

Unlike any of the other blogging platforms on this list, Movable Type is the clear choice for companies or organizations that generate text for a living. The Huffington Post utilizes Movable Type to host its numerous blogs. Movable Type is also based on an open source platform, which makes it exceptionally adaptable to any future large-scale changes in mainstream web traffic.

From a technological standpoint, Movable Type has enough tweakable nuts and bolts that will enable it to thrive in any type of virtual environment. For those companies or individuals who are interested in spending more time developing their content and less time worrying about what’s keeping it accessible, this blogging platform is ideal.

2. Tumblr


Tumblr makes the cut as one of best blogging platforms because it is designed specifically to foster talent and encourage like-minded bloggers to read each other’s posts. It does this primarily with its “tagging” feature, which allows bloggers to label their posts with keywords that can be searched by other bloggers. Tumblr also has a panel of editors that monitor the site for particularly innovative or creative blogs. This panel can choose to spotlight a particular post or author in a variety of different categories, helping authors to gain wider recognition for their work. Best of all, it is both free to join and to read.

Visually, Tumblr is engaging without being intrusive. The site offers bloggers the choice of several different types of pre-formatted designs, along with the option of creating their own design. This standardized design option is highly beneficial to both the bloggers and the readers. It allows the bloggers to focus on crafting the best possible pieces while allowing the reader to focus on the content without being distracted by atrocious graphic design. This visual component is what will keep Tumblr hot in 2012.

1. WordPress


Few blogs have the kind of instantly visually recognizable look of WordPress. Simple, straightforward and elegant, WordPress delivers a reliable visual template that makes it easy for prolific bloggers to categorize their posts. Although organization may not seem like a particularly hot trait at first glance, successful writers need to be able to quickly reference their work, and readers enjoy being able to browse similar types of material without spending days searching on a poorly put together website. WordPress’s relatively low cost, combined with its presentation and excellent archival features, easily make it one of the hottest platforms of 2011 and 2012.

Because of its extensive integration with other programming languages, WordPress is perfect for those bloggers who are attempting to segue into a commercial venture. Savvy bloggers can quickly build links with other websites that enable their blog to garner greater viewership and a higher number of monthly page hits. This flexibility makes WordPress an excellent investment for serious bloggers/entrepreneurs.

Written 2011-05-24 (Updated 2016-10-12)
Share your thoughts

Alexey Kinyov,  29 February, 2012

Tumblr is my favorite for personal blogging.

And we are developing new platform for team blogging Qmazi

You're welcome too check it out! :)

Manoj,  1 December, 2011

Have to agree to this post. I switched from Blogger to WordPress and have not regretted the shift. WP has a professional look about it that is difficult to beat. Also have seen an increase in the hits on the site. From the previous one million on blogger to the one million and ten now, but jokes apart there is a definite improvement in the visibility on the site. Good post.

Carl B,  3 October, 2011

Tumblr is by far my favorite. Feels much more "2011" than the others.

Abdullah-al-amin,  26 June, 2011

GOOD INFO! i think the site offers bloggers the choice of several different types of pre-formatted designs, along with the option of creating their own design.

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