Create A Dynamic Website with Scripting Languages like PHP, ASP:NET, CGI Scripts!

When you are looking for a web host the chances are that you're not entirely sure of what you want and need. If that is the case, let us inform you of some additional functions that will make your web hosting experience a tad more stimulating. Although you might not need it at the moment, when the main purpose of getting a web host is to simply publish a website. But by choosing a web host solution that include pre-installable scripts you will be able to get a taste of what scripting languages can offer. These web host features can help you to create a more dynamic website at a later stage. And although you'll have to learn to write these scripts completely in order to fully grasp its magnitude you do not have to be a computer nerd to at least get a taste of what the world of scripting has to offer.

How to Embed PHP scripts in Your HTML code

Since a couple of years back PHP has become the scripting language for dynamic websites. It is a script that is easy to use and does well working towards databases. Not only will many web hosts have an application that will install complete PHP based web applications and pages at your command. PHP allows you to embed it directly into your code. So if you have made a simple HTML web page in Macromedia Dreamweaver you can implement various PHP written web applications and features by simply copy and pasting the script into the HTML code. To do this there are two things you must do. 1. Find the written script for the feature you desire on your website, e.g. a clock or formMail. By simply googeling PHP + feature you will find ready-to-embed PHP scripts. 2. Make sure that the script begins with "". The web browser will then recognize and execute the script as PHP and the rest as HTML.


This scripting language is the offspring of the classic ASP (Active Server Page technology) and the Microsoft's .NET framework. The new version decreases the code density and although there are less web servers supporting ASP.NET than PHP this scripting language has the same potential. With an ASP.NET file ending in .aspx the script is executed, unlike HTML, by the server, not web browser. And as this scripting language is basically the same as PHP you can implement its dynamic code into your html file.

Make sure that the web host server supports ASP.NET by either simply asking or finding out if the server runs on Windows operative system since this scripting language comes from Microsoft.

CGI (Common Gateway interface) Scripts

Based on executable .cgi files stored in the cgi-bin directory on your web server users can implement applications and features like visit counters and clocks on desired web pages. By adding a line of common gateway interface code into the web page HTML code it will send a request to execute desired action when the web browser is loading that web page. Web Hosts supporting cPanel offer already set CGI-scripts for download or installation. Common CGI scripts used are FormMail, to implement a email contact form on a web page.

CGI Scripts have the reputation of being quite slow leaving the visitors waiting a long time for the page to display properly.

Lasso, SMX, Ruby on Rails

The following three web application frameworks are what we call up an coming scripting languages. Ruby On Rails is a framework based on the Ruby programming language with a goal to make the production of database reliable websites much faster. Ruby On Rails are used by many online businesses and although their services may be offered by web hosting businesses it is still to be considered a small player in the game of scripting. SMX is referred to as a macro processing language that has been around since day one. Currently in the shadow of PHP and ASP, SMX is the perfect script language to use for implementation of web applications in HTML/XML pages. When it comes to Lasso, this programming language is primary known to, like the above, enable the developer to create dynamic websites. Similar to other scripting languages like PHP, Perl and Python, Lasso can run their servers on Mac OS X, Windows 00-03 and Red Hat Linux.

Written by Chris Reynolds


Chris Reynolds is a true hosting geek that was born in the city by the sea, Seattle, in the late 1970's. Growing up in a progressive community he quickly became interested in things of the more technical kind. In recent years his interest has progressed as well; namely into his line of profession. Keep your eyes open for any of his articles on topics such as Linux, PHP, CSS, and ASP.

Written 2008-02-26 (Updated 2016-10-10)

Chad Bean

Share your thoughts

van,  15 August, 2010

i am studend

Shrikant Agrawal,  30 September, 2009

Full exampal

Chris,  8 April, 2009

You forgot about WebDNA. This scripting language is extremely fast and includes databases, using one single syntaxis. The language is elegant and simple, but includes extremely powerful features. I personally love it.

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